Sunday, August 5, 2012

Social Media Marketing Jargon

Google Buys Wildfire
If you are an avid blogger or just enjoy to blog every now and then at one point in your life you'll find that you have absolutely nothing to talk about. It seems like everything you feel like saying has already been said by someone else, so what fun is  it for you to basically reiterate what someone else is saying. What makes a blogger unique is usually their point of view on a subject or talking about something that no one else is. As an internet marketer there's a fountain of subjects out their to discuss. If you want to talk about the big social media companies you have Facebook and their issues with their IPO, you have Google who's buying Wildfire and the interesting part about that is that wildfire's profit depends on Facebook's success (in a way). So it's safe to say that Google now depends on their direct competitor Facebook's success. Well, if you ask me that says Google knows they are here for the long run, and since they can't take them over, they might as well make some coin off them in one way or another. What will Facebook's next step be? Will they develop their own search engine? I myself have a fantastic idea for a search engine for Facebook, whether I get their attention with it or not, who's to know, whether they are going that direction, who knows as well. Right now Facebook uses Bing as a search engine provider. But based on the problems with the Facebook IPO and the fact that they are looking to strengthen their income streams I truly believe that it is imperative that they have a search engine. What kind of names can you think of for a Facebook Search Engine? Facebook is grand, yes, Facebook is here to stay, yes, but Facebook needs to have a better paid advertising program in order to get good conversion rates. As it is, Google leads the industry in conversion rates, as they should, when someone goes to Google they are specifically looking for something. When people are on Facebook they are being social, and advertisers happen to be using their information to target them with something they "think" the user may want. 

Attraction Marketing Wins
To change the pace and go briefly into marketing itself I would like to talk about something called Attraction Marketing. If you don't know what attraction marketing is well, I don't know what to tell you :). Read the phrase, attraction marketing. Yes, you are attracting customers to you. Attraction Marketing is done through places like Facebook, Google+, Blogger, TV, pretty much everywhere!!! Attraction Marketing is key to bringing business and interest to you. Remember these key elements.

1. Build Trust: If the people that follow you, or hear you, or are attempting to hear your message don't trust you, then you are digging a deep hole and you might as well throw the dirt over your own head. Common mistakes people make is going to places like Facebook and posting spam links in groups, pages, and on their own wall. Is it okay to promote your business? Yes, absolutely it is, that is what it's all about for some people. But the way in which you take on this process is the most important. You first must develop interest in you through your followers. Don't post spam links, just briefly mention your business but talk more about your family, your travels, your achievements, events you're attending, etc... If you have someone's attention then they will search you out to see what you do. For years now all I do is talk to people about common interests. They can't help but be curious about what I do, therefore attracting them to find out more. 

2. Cultivate Relationships: Show interest in people, care about what they think, know who you are dealing with. Whether it's one person or 20,000. It's important that your communication is positive, don't ever dwell on negative issues that may be going on in your life. Don't try to get people to feel sorry for you, even if you feel they should. I myself have never shown emotion other than excitement and ambition. Actually more than just those two but I'm just being general, never at any time have I shown if there's problems at home, or if there's someone bothering me, etc... That would be like Pepsi, talking about the fact that they are tired of hearing all the negative Coke lovers bash on their product. You don't hear that from Pepsi, I'm sure all companies and people at one point are sick of some of the whining and bad talk but they don't show it. If they did then they are showing an emotion that no one wants to see from the positive side of the spectrum. Just remember to cultivate relationships for your business always be positive, show strength, excitement, compassion, empathy, and relationships will build.

3. Developing Curiosity: If people are not curious about something then they usually don't seek more information about it unless told to or ordered to. Therefore of course the key to attraction marketing, develop curiosity! Here's a good example. You own a shoe store in downtown New York City. Usually you blend in and theirs specific people that know about your product and service. The obvious key is to get even MORE people to learn about your product and service. Through networking online (Facebook, Google+, and other SMM) you will develop an attraction marketing campaign. Your campaign is designed to develop curiosity. Whether you are giving away a pair of high priced shoes, or you are going to donate shoes to a third world country, you are going to attract people based on one or the other. Charity work attracts those who like doing good, and want to give business to those doing good. It involves sharing which can take a product or service viral and this is where more people learn about it. Doing basic giveaway's is done everyday in every business and it brings people for the free prize. However, when I talk about developing curiosity do something unique, something that is going to stand out, something that no one else is doing, or something that is going to get great attention and respect from your customers, something that is going to get everyone in your target markets attention in one way, shape or form, in a positive way!

I hope you enjoyed this SMM Jargon that I decided to write this morning. I basically found myself awake at 3:30am with an awesome lightning storm outside that was lighting up the sky every few seconds. Decided to jump on the laptop and write a bit while I watched the lightning. I didn't know what I was going to say I just knew that something would end up coming out. As I stated at the beginning of the blog, sometimes you can't think of anything to write about, but all the sudden it can start flowing out from all directions and you have no idea where the blog is going. Have a great day!!!

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